Saturday, December 4, 2010

Speaker: Priest at church

Speaking is such an important part of being a religious leader. We just acquired a new priest at my beloved church. To say the least, his homilies, body-language, and tone of voice make me want to leave this church; a church that holds many memories and that means a great deal to me. I don't think it helps that he is very conservative, because I am not. I love my faith. Although I probably lean more to the right with politics and religion, I am not quite at his level. Despite that fact though, his preaching style is just not easy to listen to. He practically yells when he is at the pulpit giving homilies. During the rest of the Mass he talks slowly and in a monotone voice; both of these styles are hard to listen to. Also, churches and religions are much like schools and classrooms: which must constantly be moving forward. This priest not only doesn't seem to want to move forward (fast enough for me:), but he also hasn't yet given me any reason to believe that we should stay put. This, I think, is a direct result of his inability to convey his ideas in a convincing manner through his speech and tone of voice. I really hope he changes that. I don't want to leave this Church, but he's making if difficult for me to want to stay.

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